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Affirmed by the Founding Members:
Coordination Committee of the
Non-governmental Professional Organization
December, 2000


Russian Communication Association (RCA)



1.1. The Russian (interregional) Communication Association, RCA (further abbr. as the Organization), is a non-governmental professional organization based on the joint activity of the members in achieving its constitutional tasks and goals.

1.2. In its organizational and legal pattern the Organization is a non-governmental professional organization, guided in its activity by the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation, the current Constitution and Bylaws, and the decisions of the Coordination Committee, the governing body of the Organization.

1.3. In accordance with current Law, the Organization is considered in effect since the moment the decision about its establishment was reached at the initial meeting of its Founding group. The Organization exists as a legal entity as of its registration in accordance with the current Russian Law.

1.4. The Organization can perform its activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

1.5 The location of the governing body of the Organization:
Russia 344089
M. Nagibina Av., 33A/47, Institute of Management, Business and Law.

1.6 The Organization builds its activity on the principles of self-organization, self-regulation and self-financing.

1.7 Being a non-commercial group of citizens the Organization has a right to do business in accordance with the Constitutional tasks and goals. The profit of its business can not be distributed among its members.

1.8 The name of the Organization in English is Russian Communication Association (RCA).


2.1 Goals:

- Recognition, development and popularization of theory and practice of human communication(s) as a special field and discipline

- Concentration of efforts on the development of the communication component in the secondary and higher education curricula in Russia

- Unifying intellectual, professional, educational, material, and financial resources around the above stated goals and objectives

- Developing and disseminating worthwhile experiences and traditions in the area of communication education in the country and abroad

- Developing partnerships and collaboration with organizations that have similar goals and strategies in Russia and abroad.

2.2 Objectives:

- Performing various kinds of work, including general education, lecturing, information dissemination, and developing teaching methods and instructional support, aimed at promoting broad communication education

- Institutionalizing the area of "Communication studies" as a type of academic and research discipline with its subsequent registration in governmental nomenclature/ documents

- Concentration of professional efforts around the development of communication programs, courses, and instructional materials for secondary and higher education in Russia

- Planning and organizing professional conferences and seminars on various issues of communication and communication education and teaching

- Organizing communication publications including electronic journals and forums, newsletters, brochures and other types of printed and electronic materials that represent the organization's current activity and serve the purpose of its popularization.

- Searching for as well as making use of financial, material, intellectual and other resources to achieve the goals and objectives of the Organization;

- Providing various kinds of support and assistance to other organizations with similar goals and activities

- Participating in the work of other associations including international ones, whose goals and orientations are compatible with the current Constitution.


3.1 The Organization is considered as having a legal status as of the moment of its registration according to the existing Law; it will have savings, checking, and other bank accounts, its seals, stamps and forms containing its title and logo.

3.2 According to the existing law, in order to achieve the constitutional goals and objectives, the Organization has the right to:

- Exercise any industrial and economic activity not prohibited by law as well as to create other enterprises and organizations with a legal status;

- Own buildings, facilities, enterprises, equipment, land, living spaces, property for cultural-enlightening and rehabilitating purposes, publishing houses, monetary resources, stocks, other securities and other property needed to provide for the activity envisaged by the present document;

- Establish mass media and engage in publishing;

- Organize competitions and hold seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and auctions in accordance with the goals of the Constitution and current Law;

- Create and take part in creating non-commercial and commercial organizations including charity foundations required for the implementation of the objectives set in the constitution;

- Enter into agreements or contracts necessary to conduct the Organization's business in the legally established order;

- Put forward initiatives, make proposals to government and influential organizations concerning the public good;

- Exercise other activity that does not contradict current Law.

3.3 The Organization must:

- Follow Russian Federation laws as well as common norms of international law regarding the scope of its activities;

- Create an annual financial report and make it freely available;

- Annually notify the Registration Authority of the intention to continue its activity, specifying the location of its governing body and any information required for the State registrar;

- Upon the request of the Registration Authority, afford an opportunity of viewing the decisions made by the leaders and administration as well as yearly and quarterly accounts of its activity;

- Assist the representatives of the Registration Authority in reviewing its activity in order to verify its conformity to current Russian Law and its Bylaws.

3.4 The Organization is not responsible for its members' obligations; and likewise the members of the Organization are not responsible for the Organization's obligations.


4.1 Any person over the age of 18 as well as legal entities (public or private organizations) can become a member of the Organization if they recognize the present Constitution and participate in the activities conforming to the goals and objectives of the Organization.

4.2 An individual can become a member by submitting an application of the standard form.

4.3 An organization with a legal status, be it public or private, can become a member of the Organization on the basis of a vote of its membership (as reflected in the minutes of the meeting) together with an application to be enrolled as an institutional member and the designation of an official representative to the Organization.

4.4 Upon enrollment into the Organization a member may be issued a membership card.

4.5 Any citizen or organization that has made a considerable contribution into the establishment and development of the Organization can be recognized an Honored Member of the Organization. The Honored Member can be elected by the Coordination Committee of the Organization.

4.6. Members of the Organization have a right to leave the Organization by submitting an application to the Coordination Committee of the Organization.

4.7. Members of the Organization compromising the Organization by their actions or by failure to fulfill their obligations to the Organization may be expelled from it upon a recommendation of the Coordination Committee and a decision by the Conference based on a 2/3 majority vote, the person to be later informed of the decision by letter or electronic mail.


5.1. Members of the Organization have a right to take part in all its activities:

- the work of the Conference;

- vote in organizational elections; be elected to offices of the Organization;

- have access to the information about the activity of the Organization;

- have first call on the resources of the organization;

- organize the activities required to attain the purposes and objectives of the Organization;

- donate money, property, and objects of value for activities and development of the Organization;

- to use the emblem and other symbols of the Organization on printed and other publications while conducting activities in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Organization.

5.2. Members of the Organization are obliged to:

- comply with the Constitution of the Organization;

- implement the decisions of the Conference and the Coordination Committee of the Organization;

- take an active part in the work of Organization bodies to which they are elected;

- take an active part in the activities of the Organization;

- assist other members of the Organization in their Constitutional activities;

- pay regular membership and other fees for Organization activities as set by the Conference of the Organization.


6.1. Bodies of the Organization are the following:

- Conference of Members of the Organization

- direct - traditional meeting or indirect, e.g., electronic)

- Coordination Committee of the Organization

- President of the Organization

- International Committee

- Inspection (Trustees) Committee

6.2. The Coordination Committee, President of the Organization, International Committee, and Inspection Committee are elected for a term equal to the period between each Conference of Members of the Organization.

6.3 Conference of Members of the Organization

6.3.1 Conference of Members of the Organization is the supreme governing body of the Organization.

6.3.2 The Conference is called by the Coordination Committee at least once in two years:

- in accordance with the decision of the preceding conference;

- for resolving the most important issues on the Organization's activities and development.

6.3.3 A special call for a Conference may be made:

- by considered recommendation by the Coordination Committee;

- by requirement of at least 1/3 of the membership;

- by requirement of the Inspection Committee of the Organization.

6.3.4 All members of the Organization (be it an individual or institutional member, i.e. public and state organizations) have the right to participate and to vote in the Conference, each entitled to one vote. Individuals participate in the Conference either personally or through their designated representatives. A right to represent an individual member is confirmed by a written statement of that individual member. Institutional members, i.e., public organizations, participate in the work of the Conference through their leaders or authorized members. In an indirect conference all registered members of the Organization participate personally (without representation).

6.3.5 Conference:

- elects the Coordination Committee of the Organization, the President of the Organization, the International Committee, and the Inspection Commitee;

- hears (or acquaints itself with) and approves reports by the President, the Inspection Commitee, evaluates their work as well as the work of action groups of the Organization;

- adopts decisions concerning revisions and additons to the curent Constitution;

- sustains or cancels the decisions made by the Coordination Committee in the period between Conferences;

- determines the numbers of the Coordination Ñommittee of the Organization; elects and recalls the President of the Organization, as well as members of the Coordination Committee, International Committee, and Inspection Committee;

- discusses and adopts programs and similar documents, determines and affirms main directions of the Organization's activities and other important issues on the agenda;

- establishes agendas for elected bodies of the Organization;

- determines the time and place for holding the next Conference;

- confirms recommendations by the Coordination Committee for creating regional and national chapters;

- makes decisions concerning membership and other fees, their amount and method of payment;

- decides on any dissolution or restructuring of the Organization;

6.3.6 A Conference is valid if it represents over 50 percent of the Organization's members. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote of the members of the Organization present at the Conference, with the exception of cases stipulated by the Constitution.

6.3.7 Confirmation of revisions and additions to the Constitution as well as decisions about reorganization or liquidation of the Organization require a 3/4 majority vote of the members present. In all other cases decisions are made by a simple majority vote.

6.4 Coordination Committee of the Organization

6.4.1 The Coordination Committee of the Organization is the standing governing body during the interim between Conferences.

6.4.2 The Coordination Committee is elected at each Conference.

6.4.3 The initial membership of the Coordination Committee is elected by the founding group. Responsibilities are assigned to its members in the following areas:

- general coordination and international relations

- electronic information systems

- newsletter editor

- conferences

- membership

- grants and funding

6.4.4 The Coordination Committee of the Organization is headed by the President of the Organization.

6.4.5 The Coordination Committee of the Organization:

- accepts members to the Organization and recommends expulsion from the Organization;

- keeps the list of the membership of the Organization;

- oversees implementation of decisions made by the Conference;

- determines the use of material and financial resources received by the Organization;

- adopts decisions about participating, as well as types of participation, in other organizations' activities;

- annually informs the Registration Authority about continuation of its activity, indicating the location of the Organization's Coordination Committee and information concerning the Organization's leaders required by law;

- coordinates the activities of the Organization;

- coordinates the Organization business activities, represents the Organization in business activities necessitated by the Constitution of the Organization;

- if necessary, establishes various committees, action groups or other bodies for the Organization; oversees the activities of those groups;

- makes the preparations for regular Conferences of the Organization;

- renders support to other bodies of the Organization in resolving issues within their areas of competence;

- distributes roles and responsibilities among the members of the Coordination Commitee;

- considers and resolves other issues not specifically reserved for action by the Conference.

6.4.6 The Coordination Committee acts as a group according to necessity. The meetings of the Coordination Committee are deemed to have a quorum if over half of the members of the Coordination Committee are participating. Discussions of the Coordination Committee may be held either in person or by correspondence, as group discussions (including current computer information technologies).

6.4.7 Decisions of the Coordination Committee are to be made collegially and are valid if they are voted for by a majority of the members of the Committee.

6.4.8 The minutes of the Coordination Committee meetings are taken by a secretary elected from the members of the Committee. The electronic records serve as minutes of an electronic meeting and are saved by the information systems committee member.

6.5 President of the Organization

6.5.1 The president of the Organization is the leader of the Organization. The President is elected at each Conference to serve for the period until the next Conference.

6.5.2 The President of the Organization:

- performs general control of the Organization;

- makes various agreements in the name of the Organization, represents its interests in relations with individuals and institutions, is authorized to act on behalf of the Organization and to give such authorization to others to act on behalf of the Organization;

- appoints a deputy to act on the President's behalf in case of necessity;

- heads the Coordination Committee, directs and manages its activities, acts as chairperson at its meetings and signs the decisions adopted by the Committee;

- opens foreign currency, checking, savings, and other accounts in financial institutions; runs current organizational and financial activities, signs bank documents;

- performs recruiting and dismissal of staff;

- supervises the implementation of the decisions by the Coordination Committee and the Conference;

- exercises other authority unrelated to the Coordination Committee and the Conference.

6.5.3 The President of the Organization issues the orders and regulations of the Organization.

6.6 International Committee

6.6.1 The International Committee's mission is to promote the collaboration between the Russian and international scholars and institutions.

6.6.2 The Intrnational Committee's functions are:

- assist in organizing international conferences;

- help develop or support joint research or academic projects between individual institutions in Russia and other countries;

- promote participation of Russian scholars at National Communication Association (NCA) events, particularly NCA conventions;

- seek grants and other financial support for collaborative projects and programs

- provide general advice, counsel, and expertise to the RCA President and Coordination Committee members in international projects.

6.6.3 The International Committee is elected at each Conference The initial membership of the International Committee is elected by the founding group.

6.7 Inspection Committee

6.7.1 The Inspection Committee is the supervisory body of the Organization overseeing financial and operational activities of the Coordination Committee and the President of the Organization.

6.7.2 The Inspection Committee:

- audits the financial records and operational activities of the Organization, the President, and the Coordination Committee of the Organization;

- at the regular Conference of the Organization makes a report of the results of the audit and comments on the proper use of financial and material resources of the Organization;

6.7.3 The Inspection Committee is elected on the basis of the Conference decision and is accountable to the Conference.

6.7.4 Inspections of the Coordination Committee's activities are held as necessary, at least once a year.

6.7.5 Members of the Inspection Committee may not be members of other elected bodies of the Organization.


7.1 The assets of the Organization consist of:

- initiation and membership fees as set by the Conference;

- voluntary contributions from individuals and institutions;

- revenue received from activities held for the benefit of the Organization;

- revenue produced by activities of the Organization and its components;

- revenue from its enterprising and economic activities;

- credits received in accordance with the current Russian legislation;

- other revenues not prohibited by law.

7.2 The assets of the Organization are to be used for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives set by this Constitution.


8.1 Revisions and additions to the present Constitution are made on the basis of the Conference decision by members of the Organization.

8.2 A decision about revisions and additions into the present Constitution is deemed adopted by majority vote of the participants of the Conference.

8.3 Revisions and additions to the present Constitution are registered in the manner established by Russian legislation.


9.1 Liquidation or reorganization of the Organization is done by decision of the Conference of the Organization by a 3/4 majority vote.

9.2 To liquidate the Organization a special commission is appointed, acting in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3 The liquidation of the Organization can be implemented by a court decision in the manner established by the current Russian legislation.

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